As an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) in Nepal, Basundhara Helping Hands is striving towards helping communities, its people and the entire society to come out of the whirlpool of poverty and illiteracy. Established in the year 2014, the main motive of Basundhara Helping Hands (BHH) is to empower impoverished and marginalized communities with the avail of basic education, health, clean environment and awareness of human rights. Community development is at the heart of our organization and we are working our way to achieve it through the mobilization of local and international volunteers, who are willing to go the length to utilize their own skills and knowledge to the best for the communities and serve its people. BHH, in collaboration with local like-minded organizations, their support and contribution has been able to give volunteers from within Nepal and around the world an opportunity to help disadvantaged community develop and while doing so grow themselves.
BHH runs different programs and volunteers are assigned to different programs based on different criteria, such as the location, host family, availability of basic infrastructure and a thorough analysis of what impact the volunteer will have on the placement as well as what impact will the placement have on the volunteer. We are all here to make a difference, fruits of which will be harvested by generations to come.
It is more blessed to give than to receive
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. – Maimonides
Health Aid Program According to WHO’s health profile for Nepal, for every 10,000 population there are only 5.9% physicians and 15.3% nurses and midwives available. We have grown up learning that ‘Health is Wealth’ and it is high time this life-lesson reached the nooks and crannies of Nepal. While education is one medium through which we can aware the demographic about the necessity of health care, not everyone has easy access to health care service. Rural health care services in Nepal are rudimentary, with lack of proper infrastructure, lack of ...
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Community Development Program We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. – Winston Churchill BHH’s Community Development Program revolves around communal activities that would benefit the community in some way. Usually they are something the community needs urgently. Most often community works include building classrooms, repairing schools, decorating classrooms, building toilets, paint jobs for health posts, organizing fundraisers for school libraries and other infrastructure development works. BHH works with qualified engineers for renovation and construction work to help communities with needed ...
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Child Care and Education According to UNICEF’s report for 2012, only 57.4% of the total population of Nepal is literate. This number can rise if children are to be given unbiased education facility. Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” But with lack of proper infrastructure for schools and even lesser qualified professionals to pass on this powerful weapon to children of the marginalized demography, reaching a 100% literacy rate seems a farfetched thought. Children are the future of any ...
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Youth Empowerment Program According to Nepal Migration Survey carried out by World Bank in 2009 a total of 2.1 million Nepalese are working abroad; most of this population consists of youth aged between 20 to 44 years. Youth is the major work force and with most of them leaving for abroad the development tasks of the country is in for a big lull. And most often than not, these abroad-going youths are from marginalized and impoverished communities. As an organization which is striving for the development of the marginalized communities ...
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